How it works
Siip helps guests of hotel chains and holiday parks register, book and check in via the app. Mandatory identification: check! Registering with Siip is simple and fast.
With Siip, your (digital) identity is your ticket (access right) to hotels and holiday parks. The visitors only need to share their necessary data with you. In that way they keep control.
Siip helps you with:
Simple, secure and fully digital access for your visitors;
More efficient check-in procedure;
More time for your guest & the optimal customer experience;
Easier compliant to the Night Register and the AVG/GDPR. .
Easy and fast to integrate
The Siip software can be implemented easily and quickly for various applications and is easy to integrate into your own software, in your app or on your website.
The Siip solutionis available to anyone with a smartphone and a valid ID. Only the user has the key to the data.
What Siip stands for
Our society is rapidly becoming more and more digital. This provides great opportunities, but also means there are security and privacy risks for organizations and individuals.
Siip believes that there can be a digital society in which everyone is in control of his or her personal data.
Personal & digital
Siip helps football clubs, organizers, companies and individuals with software for fast, personal and digital access.
Fair & safe
And this in an honest, safe way, of course. With convenience and certainty. Fully GDPR compliant; privacy by design & privacy by default.
Looking for more information?
Siip is happy to help your holiday park, hotel or camping!